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Our Blog May 18, 2023

Advertisements Based on Location

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Mobile advertising and location-based services are combined in location-based advertising, sometimes referred to as hyper-local advertising. With the use of this technology, advertisers may target customers based on where they are in the world. In response to user inquiries, location-based display advertising is incorporated with publisher content or search advertising.

Types of Hyper Local Ads-

  1. Mobile (app/wap) Ads-

are one type of hyperlocal advertisement. Through location-based advertising, marketers may engage, educate, and motivate their target audience to make purchases. It may determine a user’s location in seconds rather than minutes when utilising only GPS radio signals by triangulating cell phone towers. As soon as you cross a predetermined location on a map, you would typically receive a Location-Based Ad. A predetermined radius is used to serve adverts; no ads are served outside of it.

Let’s imagine someone is in front of a coffee establishment and is using their smartphone. An advertiser may be able to instantaneously send this person a relevant ad (or voucher, or deal update) if they are using a mobile app that uses location-based advertising and can identify that they are in fact in front of a coffee shop. Maybe this competitor’s advertisement is so enticing that it tempts the customer to walk a little farther up the street and take advantage of the deal they just saw.

2) Online visibility for local businesses ads, searches, and displays

IP addresses are the basis for location-based advertising. A target radius can be set around a specific lat-long coordinate. An advertisement is served each time a search or browsing activity takes place in that area.

3) Facebook

FB collects data about you through your Facebook account, such as your age, gender, location, and the devices you use to access Facebook. Your ad choices are determined by the data you have provided with Facebook, the pages you like or interact with, the ads you click, the apps and websites you use, as well as data from our data sources. Customers in strategic locations are reached by advertisers via nation, state/province, city, and post code.


When there are several stores, location-based marketing have been successful in attracting customers to your establishment. Hyperlocal targeting in advertising can help any local company that wants to reach customers in a particular area.

-Time-based shopping

During a specific time period, a brand may advertise its special deals. Customers may benefit from quick shopping thanks to this. To increase sales, brands might conduct promotions during off-peak times. a circumstance where both the customer and the brand benefit.

– Improved targeting

A similar group can be targeted if the demographics of the user who needs to be targeted are determined.

-Various Locations

The same company can run advertisements that target people near all of its stores. Increasing the reach will result in more foot traffic.

-targeting the clients of your rivals.

You can run advertisements with the location of your rivals in mind. Information about your offerings and deals might be distributed to those near the competitor’s store. Just picture a McDonald’s advertisement with the appetising Mac image being displayed to a Subway consumer.

-Target the City’s Central Areas

You must inform the major areas of the city when you have a fresh launch or promotion. Together, all the prospects are targeted, and a buzz may be built.

Hyperlocal marketing may be a very effective strategy when done right, but it needs to be done with a clear objective in mind and using a tactical approach. Make sure the vendor you choose can provide your brand the appropriate reach. To get results, it’s crucial to collaborate with a partner who can employ an aggregate marketing strategy and make use of the strength of numerous ad networks. The optimisation algorithms will be able to see how residents of each particular geo-location behave throughout the day and night and distribute more money to areas with higher traffic. Thus, the hyperlocal campaign’s efficiency and efficacy can be maximised.

You may fairly expect that as technology develops, the amount of location-related data will only grow, especially as we get closer to a quantified world of “smart” products and wearable computers. The possibilities for using this targeting technology are only limited by your creativity.

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